  How to find best nanny for your child
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For each and every parent their child is precious gift from goad and parent always wish to give the world's best care for their young kids. But due to different lifestyle to cover up economical, financial situations or due to passion towards career, usually both parents used to work either full time or part time. This is very true in a busy city, such as Melbourne. Because Melbourne is one of the well developed city with more population and with more demand for nanny Melbourne from working parents. Hiring a nanny may be a hardest thing in the view of parent, because they want to leave their ever loving kids on the arms of a stranger – The Nanny. Anyhow it is not hard as parents think. Find a nanny – the BEST nanny is not a difficult task if the parents know(understand) some basic things about nanny selection. In this article we will detail some tips and ideas to hire a nanny.

Identify type of nanny in need and responsibilities / duties of nanny

Before starting the search for nanny, you have to clear about they type of nanny that you  require; you may need a full time nanny – Works full-time (8-10 hours a day) regardless of day or night depends on your requirements, live-in nanny- the nanny lives with your family and take care of your kid. You may have to have accommodation arrangements on this case, Day-time nanny – Works only during day time, Part-time nanny – works few days or few hours of the week as per your requirements, On-call nanny – works only when she is needed or etc. You also have to think about tasks which nanny should do. Tasks may be housekeeping, cooking meals, take children to outdoor activities and/or pick up them from outdoor activities, help children on doing home work, teach children and etc.

Usually parents do not allow nanny to smoke or any guest to nanny during child care time. It is best practice on concern with child's safety. Parent can setup hidden video camera to monitor nanny, such nanny cameras are available at low cost in the market that you can get with single Google search.

There are more Asians parents in Melbourne, they prefer English speaking nannies to improve child's learning skills. Most of such foreign parents prefer nannies in their own community to develop religious activities in child's day to day life. You have to decide on it as what kid of nanny is needed for you.

You have to do small research using internet and find out ongoing hourly pay rate for nanny in Melbourne (or in the area where you are). That will help you to determine whether you are affordable to have a nanny or not. Anyhow, parents usually do not bother to pay for care their kids. But to make sure that you are not paying higher than on-going market price, the small research will help. Other than pay-rates (or in case if you are not affordable), you can think of some other motivates for nanny on top of pay; like household share, free holiday package with family and etc.

At this stage you may be able to list down, type of nanny that you are looking for, responsibilities of nanny that you require, dos and dont's of nanny, pay rates & other benefits, terms & conditions. Listing these will help you a  lot on finding the best nanny for your kid.

Where to find a nanny & What to ask from nanny at very initial stage?
You can find a nanny with help of nanny online directories that bring nannies & parents together (there you may find huge number of nannies in your area), nanny agencies, posting advertisement on newspaper (or magazine or etc). Once you locate a nanny, you should ask for references(may be nanny's previous clients), valid passport( or any identification card that is offered by government or driving license or etc), background check, police check report, certificate of completed child care courses, first aid course and etc, basic contact details. If you like you can check phone number re-verse look up as  background check, but as far as if you able to get the police check report, phone re-verse look-up may not be required.

Once you will get all required details from nanny applicants, you can filter and go for phone interview or face to face interview. You cannot and should not take decisions to hire a nanny only with phone interview.

If you are very busy person and have no time for all kind of checks and filtering nanny applicants, you can go for nanny agencies who can help you, because nanny agencies do thorough checks on each and every nanny who are registered with them But, you should not hire a nanny without interviewing her by yourself even she is recommended by nanny agency.

Usually nanny agencies do extensive analysis on every nanny that on their database; the analysis includes criminal checks with fingerprints, employment background checks, verified references, phone reverse lookup and etc. As a reuslt of such detail analysis, nanny agencies charge some high fees from parents. Anyhow you may not sure on kind of checks that the nanny agency does; if so, you can ask it to them as well as aks about their services from their previous clients (It is better to make and appointment with their previous client and ask questions about the agency). Also, by asking what number of years the nanny agency is in business and number of nannies it places every month, you can learn more about professionalism of the agency.

In summary, it is recommended to do all kind of checks for a nanny along with a face to face interview and that will result the best nanny for you.

Click to find nanny jobs Melbourne.

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